Visiting the Capital!

Throughout the year each JK-6th grade class dives into six units of inquiry. These units are organized under transdisciplinary themes designed to help students make connections and gain a deeper understanding of the world around them. As students explore concepts, classes enhance their learning through real-world experiences.

Last week, the fourth-grade students ventured to Raleigh for a two-day excursion to learn more about our state government. They visited the capital building and legislative building where they witnessed members of the House of Representatives passing a bill.

The capital building allowed students to see the history behind our government structure and better understand the law-making process as this historic building used to be the center for all state government activity. Now the building houses our executive branch. A peek into our governor's office and a hallway full of advisor offices helped students see just how the three branches of government work together to meet the needs of citizens.

On the heels (tar heels to be exact!) of learning about the unique qualities of our great state of North Carolina, students visited the state's history and science museums. Our state symbols gained relevance as they ventured from the mountains to the sea within these two magnificent buildings.

Next week, the middle school students will set out on their learning adventures as they experience Special Studies Week. Students will travel within our state, country, and even internationally to support their units of study. Learning is fun when we go explore our world!


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