Framework for On-Campus Learning

Dear Parents,

Let me thank you again for your support and understanding as we, as a nation and school community, responded to the onset of COVID-19 in March. I am very proud of the way our Morganton Day students, parents, teachers, and board handled the demands we were faced with to protect everyone as we continued to educate our students during the most unusual of circumstances. 

As we work to solidify our plans to reopen for in-person classes on August 19, 2020, I want to share with you our Framework for On-campus Learning. We realize on the surface our school will look a bit different from past years - such as temperature checks, entering the school through exterior classroom doors, everyone wearing masks, and increased outdoor learning. But, at its heart, a Morganton Day School education will be as strong as ever. Will we travel to our local library? Not in the foreseeable future; however, how about a virtual trip to the Smithsonian? Another option could be a virtual story time with a famous author! Our faculty are creative, committed, and dedicated. We are nimble and will be ready to deal with what comes our way in the coming months. 

While our main focus is always education, a dual priority is health and safety. We must be proactive and prepared during these ever-changing times to continue educating our students safely. A flexible plan will allow the continued education of our students if and when circumstances change throughout the year.

Our Framework reflects input from parents, teachers, board members, as well as national and local medical professionals. Together we created a framework that we believe fits our school with all of our unique characteristics. I encourage you to take a few minutes and read through the document for up-to-date and accurate information of our plan for on-campus learning. We are fortunate that we are a small learning community with ample space to create a flexible learning environment suitable for our inquiry-based style of instruction. Additionally, our dedicated faculty are among the best in education. They are committed, open-minded, and forward thinking. Together, this is a recipe for success. 

Thank you for your continued support and positivity as we strive to do what is best for our students, teachers, and school community during these challenging times.

Together in Education,

Dr. Mikusa, Ed.D. 
Head of School


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