Making A Difference Annual Service Day 2020

Morganton Day School held its annual “Making a Difference through Service Day” on Nov. 24, 2020. Despite the challenges of hosting this event in the midst of a global pandemic, MDS students were able to reach beyond the walls of their school building to contribute to the greater community in meaningful ways.

Students in grades junior kindergarten through middle school have, in years past, worked collaboratively to choose service projects that tie into their units of inquiry or tap into their areas of interest. This year, with organizational restrictions due to COVID-19, choosing a community project was especially challenging.

Although the students could not go out into the community, creative thinking led to new ways of reaching out. Traditionally, students perform Service Day on the Monday prior to Thanksgiving and then the families of Morganton Day come together on Tuesday to create a large meal to share.

“I have been involved with the school for over 25 years and this was the first year we were unable to celebrate this tradition,” MDS Head of School Melanie Mikusa said. “Coming together as a school community to share a meal created by our students has always been incredibly special. As a school and as a community, we have had to push the pause button on so many things. We were unsure of how to fill the void created by having to change both of these wonderful traditions.”

Erin Feduke, junior kindergarten teacher, immediately had a solution. She and her husband, Garrett Feduke, owner of Morganton Honda, wanted to help the students of MDS honor the tradition of putting together a thanksgiving meal while also helping those in the community who are in need this season.

Along with their individual on campus class projects, faculty and students collaborated with Morganton Honda to fill and decorate “ThanksGiving” boxes with staples that you would find on your Thanksgiving table. From green beans to stuffing and pumpkin pie, the spirit of giving and service was alive and well amongst the student body.

The “ThanksGiving” boxes were carefully curated to provide a bountiful feast to deserving families right here in the local community. Morganton Honda donated 20 robust turkeys to perfectly round out the “ThanksGiving” packages.

“As parents of students at Morganton Day School, we have always emphasized the value of service day to our children,” Feduke said. “We believe in a spirit of service and giving back to the community that gives us so much. When we were presented with the opportunity to partner with Morganton Day School and help provide meals to deserving families in our community, we felt privileged and honored to do so.”

Making a Difference through Service Day is a tradition that captures the very spirit of the school. Each day, teachers strive to help students see ways they can take action on their learning, and each year, students and teachers come together and infiltrate our community supporting various organizations through service projects. As the holiday season approaches and thoughts turn to gratitude, Making a Difference through Service Day gives students a special opportunity to reach out and make a real difference.

Morganton Day is committed to education that prepares students to be the future leaders of our global community, and service learning is one small part of that education.

Read our story in the Morganton News Herald.

Watch a video recap!


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