Education Requires a Solid Foundation

Much like building a house, education requires a solid foundation. A strong and stable base ensures that future growth is supported and secure. If the foundation is weak, the structure above may struggle to stand strong. Similarly, the primary and middle school years of education set the stage for future learning and academic success.

Morganton Day is unlike other educational institutions. The International Baccalaureate inquiry-based education leads to a deeper understanding of the integrated curriculum. Through rigorous academics and exciting learning opportunities, MDS students develop a love of learning and the confidence needed to succeed academically.

Families who choose Morganton Day School are looking for more than just a school and a solid foundation. They seek a community where children are honored, learning has meaning and purpose, and kindness and collaboration are key.

In turn, MDS seeks to build long-term relationships in a community of students and families with a broad range of backgrounds and perspectives in order to enhance the International Baccalaureate philosophy.

Our families want their children to seek knowledge, learn through inquiry, ask questions, and solve problems. They are looking for partners both in the education of their children, and in raising confident, kind, and successful individuals.

Open enrollment begins March 1st. Click here to apply today.

Together in Education,
Dr. Mikusa
Head of School


Empowering Students: The Benefits of Student-Led Conferences