Internationally-Minded Learners
What does it mean to be an internationally-minded learner?
Think of someone you feel represents international-mindedness.
Are they open-minded?
A strong communicator?
Do they take risks to try new ideas?
All of these qualities are represented through the IB Learner Profile. The ten qualities shown in the graphic below inspire and motivate our IB students daily as they learn together, tackle challenges, celebrate success, and make connections in the world around them. The values reflected through the learner profile allow students to be internationally-minded, global thinkers.
Each day, our students think of ways they can demonstrate these attributes. This week, our students have been presenting, collaborating to work on projects, asking questions and wondering, sharing ideas, and finding ways to help our school community.
As our parents read class news and listen to our student’s share their learning, they see the ways the learner profile is incorporated into their student's class. We also love to celebrate at school when we see and hear our students demonstrating the learner profile at home.
Treesie Cape
Curriculum Coordinator