2nd Graders Meet the Mayor


Mrs. Cook’s second grade class has been studying our community and local government, so on Tuesday, the students met Mayor Thompson and toured City Hall. The students from Morganton Day School saw the room where city council meetings are held and enjoyed seeing themselves on the large tv screens. As students eagerly examined his gavel, Mayor Thompson graciously fielded questions, ranging from, “How do you make so much money?” to “What’s the last law you passed?”

Second graders began to understand the kinds of services and plans the city government provides for the town. They met the city manager and attorney and enjoyed looking at large maps and designs of familiar sites around town, like Catawba Meadows Park. Students learned that the city government approves and oversees the construction of new businesses and even brings them their favorite tv shows and online games if they live in the city limits.

They even came away with ideas of jobs they can perform for the city in a few more years. By the end of the tour, young minds were full and stomachs were empty as the second graders headed back to school a little wiser.


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