Music is in the Air!
Music and drama provide a perfect avenue for student expression! Through the IB music curriculum, students in JK3 through middle school explore the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, culture, beliefs, and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend, and enjoy our creativity; and our appreciation of the aesthetic. Studying music nurtures creativity, builds empathy, and helps people better express their emotions. Students learn about the various instrument families - with younger students learning how instruments are classified by sight and sound and older students extending their creativity to understand how various instruments are used to express certain tones. Throughout the year, students illustrate music, learn to read musical notes, explore concepts of rhythm, and connect music and drama with their classroom units of inquiry. Middle school students learn to play a band instrument and read music. Students may also participate in a music intensive where they compose their own songs, learn piano or guitar skills, or even be part of a school band. All students participate in various performances throughout the year, culminating with a yearly musical performance at Old Rock School in the spring.
Positive attributes learned through music include confidence, independence, perseverance, leadership, and personal responsibility. Learning music prepares students for life-long success. Julie Garwood expressed, "Education isn't just about feeding the brain. Art and music feed the heart and soul."
Treesie Cape
Curriculum Coordinator