Learning About Weather Is Snow Much Fun!

Kindergartener’s Weather Unit

Kindergarten charged into all things weather over the last five weeks. Not just by asking, "What is the weather?" but also by going deeper to learn how the weather cycles and patterns affect us. Students used observation skills to make weather predictions based on the clouds. They began developing research skills by exploring just how old water is. Did you know that you are drinking the same water as the dinosaurs?

These inquirers also experimented with how clouds work and how much water they can hold. The students graphed the weather each day and were mindful about what activities and clothing were appropriate for the weather outside.

Finally, kinders took a turn being the meteorologist for a day and giving their very own seasonal weather report.

As the saying goes, "To everything, there is a season." And 'tis the season to grow in knowledge about the weather.


Do You Hear What I Hear?


Día de Los Muertos