Blown Away in the Outer Banks
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Blown Away in the Outer Banks

Last week was Special Studies Week for the MDS middle school students. While the 7th and 8th Grade students explored marine biology in Florida, the 5th and 6th-grade students ventured to the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Little did they know, a Nor'Easter awaited!

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Science Night
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Science Night

Science Night is an annual tradition. This year's celebration of International Baccalaureate learning was a huge success!

Our students:

Explored landforms
Discovered the principles of aerodynamics
Investigated geology
Learned about animal adaptations

Middle school students presented their ingenious ideas for a plethora of new inventions and innovations. It was great to be together as a community, learning and enjoying time together!

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Celebrating Eighth Grade Personal Projects
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Celebrating Eighth Grade Personal Projects

Eighth-grade students select a topic for personal exploration, inquiry, action, and reflection each year. Personal Projects allow students to become more involved in something they already enjoy or to try something for the first time. Students are asked to establish and work toward challenging yet achievable goals that demonstrate planning and taking initiative in one of these three areas:

Voluntary Community Service

Personal Development

Physical Fitness

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The Cultural Pavilion
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The Cultural Pavilion

At MDS, we recognize the importance of culture and understand that culture entails more than just the food, festivals, language, and clothing people wear. It's also about social and personal values, life experiences, world views, traditions, and heritage.

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Third Grade: Money Matters
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Third Grade: Money Matters

Morganton Day School third-graders are on the road to better financial understanding! As part of their entrepreneurship unit, they have journeyed through balancing income and expenses, maintaining a checking account, realizing how interest works and setting financial goals.

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Concept-Based Learning
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Concept-Based Learning

International Baccalaureate learning uses concept-focused learning, requiring students to engage in higher-level thinking and a true understanding of the content rather than mastering facts. Concept-based learning uses “big ideas” to make sense of facts and apply them to the world around us.

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Future City Competition
Middle Grades Guest User Middle Grades Guest User

Future City Competition

Morganton Day School middle school students spend several months preparing for the Future City state competition each year. They tackle a theme based on a STEAM-related topic, think about a city's infrastructure, and design a futuristic solution—this year's challenge is to design a waste-free city that utilizes the principles of a circular economy.

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What is an IB education?

What is an IB education?

An IB education is a unique curriculum with many qualities that benefit students and instructors alike. Over the next few weeks, we will explore some of the high-quality and challenging educational qualities as we dive into the many facets of the International Baccalaureate Framework that allow students to grow as internationally-minded learners.

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