Do You Hear What I Hear?

Second Graders Explore Sound!

Within their "How We Express Ourselves" unit of inquiry, they learned the function of sound and the ways in which vibrations produce sound waves. Using wonderful imaginations, the students created sound effects for stories, made instruments and made connections to music, and brought in items from home that made many different sound effects.

To deepen their exploration, students headed out on a field trip to Catawba Science Center where they were able to explore their past two units "How The World Works" and "How We Express Ourselves" with hands-on experiences. Students participated in an exercise called "Sounds Good." where they had the opportunity to share their knowledge of what makes sound utilizing the vocabulary words vibration, pitch, and volume. Students were given the chance to explore how the items around the room make a sound. Parents even got to join in on the fun!

The second class was called "Slime Matters." During this class, students shared their knowledge about how matter exists in different states and can change. Students created a gas with baking soda and vinegar. Later, they explored liquid nitrogen and learned what happens to each state of matter when it comes into contact with it. Finally, they made glow-in-the-dark slime out of a special plastic bag.

These students made wonderful connections during the classes that allowed them to showcase their knowledge. Sounds like an exciting day!


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