Eighth Grade Personal Projects
Eighth Grade Personal Projects are a time-honored tradition at Morganton Day School. Students spend a minimum of 20-hours engaging in self-selected projects and deepening their understanding of a specific topic.
Personal Projects allow students to try something for the first time or take a deeper dive into a topic they already enjoy. By establishing and working toward challenging yet achievable goals, they demonstrate initiative and forethought in one of these three areas:
Voluntary Community Service
Personal Development
Physical Fitness
Students identify a Global Context bringing significance and direction to their project and base both this project's research and action phases on conceptual understandings. Students must deeply explore their topic before writing their research papers. They exhibit high levels of responsibility and demonstrate personal commitment, perseverance, organizational and time-management, and communication skills. Students engage with a mentor throughout the year, work independently to accomplish their goals, and create a website to demonstrate learning.
Our eighth-grade students set forth their purpose and achieved their goals! They will present their projects on April 8 at 8:30 AM in Bennett Hall, followed by display table presentations in the armory where our MDS community can walk through to see what they have accomplished.
As part of her project, Scarlett Marshall would like to share information about recycling. Click here to read her editorial and watch the video below!