Writing is a Core Communication Skill

We use writing to express our own thinking and to understand the thoughts, feelings and ideas of others. Students express views, organize thoughts, preserve special moments, inform others, share opinions, reflect, and inspire through writing.

Writing is a core aspect of learning and woven seamlessly into the curriculum at MDS.

✍🏽 Students are given opportunities to think creatively by writing narrative stories, poetry, and even music.

  • They create comics and cartoons

  • They may even write a script for a play.

  • Teachers integrate technology and students write creative advertisements and website content.

    ✍🏽 Students use written language to reflect.

  • They write journal entries and reflect upon their learning.

  • They record inquiries and their thoughts throughout conceptually-based units.

  • Reflection occurs after field trips, when goals are set and later achieved, and whenever significant learning opportunities are experienced.

    ✍🏽 Persuasion and the ability to state and argue a point are strengths for most students

  • Ask a child why they need the latest and greatest game and you’ll experience their natural persuasion!

  • MDS students begin practicing putting these persuasions into writing at a very young age.

  • They explain, analyze and defend an argument, or discuss their perspective in writing.

    ✍🏽 As adults, we must often write to inform.

  • Students practice this skill by telling their process, communicating through email, responding to reading, or learning the structure of an informative essay.

Besides providing many writing opportunities, teachers provide direct instruction for grammar, spelling, and writing mechanics. Developing a love for writing, providing opportunities for expression, seeing how the pieces fit together, crafting a concise message, and communicating effectively takes time and practice.

The editing process becomes a critical component of developing and enhancing their writing. As students and teachers evaluate their writing, they look at:

✍🏽 Overall Development
✍🏽 Organization
✍🏽 Support
✍🏽 Sentence Structure
✍🏽 Word Choice
✍🏽 Writing Mechanics

Skilled written communication is practiced and honed through writing a story or explaining how one arrived at a mathematical conclusion. MDS students experience opportunities for growth in writing every day!


Eighth Grade Personal Projects


Third Grade: Money Matters