Making A Difference Through Service Day

"Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world." -Howard Zinn

....But first, you have to know what those small acts could be. The spirit of generosity and selflessness was palpable at Morganton Day School on Service Day. Students could not wait to find ways to reach out to others and make a difference in our community by:

💚Creating 15 boxes (together as a school) filled with ingredients to make a holiday meal for those less fortunate at Options (our local domestic violence emergency shelter).

💚Delivering warming bags with scarves, hats, and gloves downtown

💚Tying scarves to lamp posts for those who may need them

💚Filling blessing boxes.

💚Delivering stuffed animals to public safety officers to help comfort children.

💚Creating beautiful inspirational quotes and drawings on the sidewalks in appreciation for downtown businesses and as encouragement for those who passed their way.

💚Cleaning and tidying local parks and our school grounds for children to enjoy.

As students participate in service opportunities, they display a sense of social responsibility and global awareness. Students develop the ability to become well-balanced citizens aware of their surrounding world and know that they are a valuable part of their community. They are empowered to see authentic ways they can contribute.

Thank you to each family for supporting this day of service. Caring begins at home, and we are so appreciative of the time and effort put into this day. Our school was truly able to "Make A Difference Through Service"!

Here is a glimpse of our students in action:


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